04 October 2013

Two posts in a day!

A year of nothing, and now two posts in a day.

How to write to an NTFS drive on Mac OS X 10.8.4 (specifically, how to replace a troublesome ntdll.dll file on Windows 7 running in Bootcamp):

  1. Boot into the Mac OS.
  2. Start a terminal session.
  3. diskutil info /Volumes/BOOTCAMP | grep UUID
  4. Copy the UUID
  5. Use your favorite text editor (why would it be anything other than vi?) and sudo /etc/fstab
  6. Type: UUID=<UUID you copied> none ntfs,rw,auto nobrowse all on one line. The nobrowse is critical for this to work.
  7. Save the file
  8. Open the disk utility, find the BOOTCAMP volume and unmount it.
  9. Remount the BOOTCAMP volume.
  10. In the terminal window type open /Volumes/BOOTCAMP to open the windows partition in the Finder.
  11. Modify as needed. (This, at least, worked just fine for me to replace a balky ntdll.dll file that was crashing whenever I'd be organizing files in Windows Explorer.)

One Year

The last time I posted to this blog was one year ago today.
